

Natural language names
Air To Air Heat Recovery PHistory

buildingSMART Data Dictionary


SensibleEffectiveness P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries / IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure
Sensible EffectivenessSensible heat transfer effectiveness, where effectiveness is defined as the ratio of heat transfer to maximum possible heat transfer.
Efficacit茅SensibleEfficacit茅 d'茅change de chaleur sensible, o霉 l'efficacit茅 est d茅finie par le rapport entre l'茅change de chaleur effectif et l'茅change maximum possible.
椤曠啽鍔圭巼椤曠啽鍔圭巼 鍔圭巼銇佹渶澶у彲鑳界啽浜ゆ彌銇銇欍倠鐔变氦鎻涖伄姣旂巼銇у畾缇┿仌銈屻倠
TotalEffectiveness P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries / IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure
Total EffectivenessTotal heat transfer effectiveness: The ratio of heat transfer to the maximum possible heat transfer.
Rendement thermiqueRendement thermique: rapport entre la chaleur effective 茅chang茅e et l'茅change maximum possible.
鍏ㄧ啽鍔圭巼鍏ㄧ啽鍔圭巼 鏈澶у彲鑳界啽浜ゆ彌銇銇欍倠鐔变氦鎻涖伄姣旂巼
TemperatureEffectiveness P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries / IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure
Temperature EffectivenessTemperature heat transfer effectiveness: The ratio of primary airflow temperature changes to maximum possible temperature changes.
Efficacit茅Temp茅ratureEfficacit茅 thermique sensible: rapport entre la diff茅rence de temp茅ratures pour le flux primaire sur la diff茅rence maximale d'茅change possible.
娓╁害鍔圭巼娓╁害鐔变氦鎻涘姽鐜囷細 鏈澶у彲鑳芥俯搴﹀鍖栥伀瀵俱仚銈嬩竴娆″伌娓╁害澶夊寲銇瘮
DefrostTemperatureEffectiveness P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries / IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure
Defrost Temperature EffectivenessTemperature heat transfer effectiveness when defrosting is active.
Efficacit茅TemperatureD茅gelEfficacit茅 thermique sensible lorsque le mode d茅gel est actif
HumidityEffectiveness P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries / IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure
Humidity EffectivenessHumidity heat transfer effectiveness: The ratio of primary airflow absolute humidity changes to maximum possible absolute humidity changes.
Efficacit茅LatenteEfficacit茅 sur transfert de chaleur latente: rapport entre difference de temp茅ratures
婀垮害鍔圭巼婀垮害鐔变氦鎻涘姽鐜囷細 鏈澶у彲鑳界刀瀵炬箍搴﹀鍖栥伀瀵俱仚銈嬩竴娆″伌绲跺婀垮害澶夊寲銇瘮
SensibleHeatTransferRate P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries / IfcPowerMeasure
Sensible Heat Transfer RateSensible heat transfer rate.
PuissanceThermiqueSensiblePuissance thermique sensible
LatentHeatTransferRate P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries / IfcPowerMeasure
Latent Heat Transfer RateLatent heat transfer rate.
PuissanceThermiqueLatentePuissance thermique latente
TotalHeatTransferRate P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries / IfcPowerMeasure
Total Heat Transfer RateTotal heat transfer rate.
PuissanceThermiqueTotalePuissance thermique totale
SensibleEffectivenessTable P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries
Sensible Effectiveness TableSensible heat transfer effectiveness curve as a function of the primary and secondary air flow rate.
DiagrammeEfficacit茅SensibleCourbe d'efficacit茅 d'茅change thermique sensible, en tant que fonction du d茅bit d'air au primaire et d茅bit d'air au secondaire
TotalEffectivenessTable P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries
Total Effectiveness TableTotal heat transfer effectiveness curve as a function of the primary and secondary air flow rate.
DiagrammeEfficacit茅TotaleCourbe d'efficacit茅 d'茅change thermique total en tant que fonction du d茅bit d'air au primaire et d茅bit d'air au secondaire
AirPressureDropCurves P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcTimeSeries
Air Pressure Drop CurvesAir pressure drop as function of air flow rate.
CourbesPerteChargeAirPerte de charge a茅raulique fonction du d茅bit d'air

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