
PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE / IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying

Natural language names
Structural Surface Member Varying Thickness

buildingSMART Data Dictionary


Thickness1 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveLengthMeasure
Thickness1First thickness parameter of a surface member with varying thickness
Location1Local P_LISTVALUE / IfcLengthMeasure
Location1 LocalLocal x,y coordinates of the point in which Thickness1 is given
Location1Global P_LISTVALUE / IfcLengthMeasure
Location1 GlobalGlobal X,Y,Z coordinates of the point in which Thickness1 is given
Thickness2 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveLengthMeasure
Thickness2Second thickness parameter of a surface member with varying thickness
Location2Local P_LISTVALUE / IfcLengthMeasure
Location2 LocalLocal x,y coordinates of the point in which Thickness2 is given
Location2Global P_LISTVALUE / IfcLengthMeasure
Location2 GlobalGlobal X,Y,Z coordinates of the point in which Thickness2 is given
Thickness3 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveLengthMeasure
Thickness3Third thickness parameter of a surface member with varying thickness
Location3Local P_LISTVALUE / IfcLengthMeasure
Location3 LocalLocal x,y coordinates of the point in which Thickness3 is given
Location3Global P_LISTVALUE / IfcLengthMeasure
Location3 GlobalGlobal X,Y,Z coordinates of the point in which Thickness3 is given

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