IFC (IFC4X3) final IfcApproval Semantic definition

An IfcApproval represents information about approval processes such as for a plan, a design, a proposal, or a change order in a construction or facilities management project. IfcApproval is referenced by IfcRelAssociatesApproval in IfcControlExtension schema, and thereby can be related to all subtypes of IfcRoot. An approval may also be given to resource objects using IfcResourceApprovalRelationship Entity inheritance Attributes

# Attribute Type Description
IfcApproval (14)
1 Identifier OPTIONAL IfcIdentifier

A computer interpretable identifier by which the approval is known.

2 Name OPTIONAL IfcLabel

A human readable name given to an approval.

3 Description OPTIONAL IfcText

A general textual description of a design, work task, plan, etc. that is being approved for.

4 TimeOfApproval OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

Date and time when the result of the approval process is produced.

5 Status OPTIONAL IfcLabel

The result or current status of the approval, e.g. Requested, Processed, Approved, Not Approved.

6 Level OPTIONAL IfcLabel

Level of the approval e.g. Draft v.s. Completed design.

7 Qualifier OPTIONAL IfcText

Textual description of special constraints or conditions for the approval.

8 RequestingApproval OPTIONAL IfcActorSelect

The actor that is acting in the role specified at IfcOrganization or individually at IfcPerson and requesting an approval.

9 GivingApproval OPTIONAL IfcActorSelect

The actor that is acting in the role specified at IfcOrganization or individually at IfcPerson and giving an approval.

HasExternalReferences SET [0:?] OF IfcExternalReferenceRelationship FOR RelatedResourceObjects

Reference to external references, e.g. library, classification, or document information, that are associated to the Approval.

ApprovedObjects SET [0:?] OF IfcRelAssociatesApproval FOR RelatingApproval

Reference to the IfcRelAssociatesApproval instances associating this approval to objects (subtypes of IfcRoot

ApprovedResources SET [0:?] OF IfcResourceApprovalRelationship FOR RelatingApproval

The set of relationships by which resource objects that are are approved by this approval are known.

IsRelatedWith SET [0:?] OF IfcApprovalRelationship FOR RelatedApprovals

The set of relationships by which this approval is related to others.

Relates SET [0:?] OF IfcApprovalRelationship FOR RelatingApproval

The set of relationships by which other approvals are related to this one.

Table Formal propositions

Name Description

Either Identifier or Name (or both) by which the approval is known shall be given.

EXISTS (Identifier) OR EXISTS (Name)
Table Formal representation

ENTITY IfcApproval;
	Identifier : OPTIONAL IfcIdentifier;
	Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
	Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
	TimeOfApproval : OPTIONAL IfcDateTime;
	Status : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
	Level : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
	Qualifier : OPTIONAL IfcText;
	RequestingApproval : OPTIONAL IfcActorSelect;
	GivingApproval : OPTIONAL IfcActorSelect;
	HasExternalReferences : SET [0:?] OF IfcExternalReferenceRelationship FOR RelatedResourceObjects;
	ApprovedObjects : SET [0:?] OF IfcRelAssociatesApproval FOR RelatingApproval;
	ApprovedResources : SET [0:?] OF IfcResourceApprovalRelationship FOR RelatingApproval;
	IsRelatedWith : SET [0:?] OF IfcApprovalRelationship FOR RelatedApprovals;
	Relates : SET [0:?] OF IfcApprovalRelationship FOR RelatingApproval;
	HasIdentifierOrName : EXISTS (Identifier) OR EXISTS (Name);
END_ENTITY; References Changelog

  • attributes, GivingApproval
  • attributes, Identifier
  • attributes, RequestingApproval
  • inverses, ApprovedResources
  • inverses, IsRelatedWith
  • where_rules, HasIdentifierOrName
  • attributes, ApprovalStatus
  • attributes ApprovalDateTime definition, Changed from IfcDateTimeSelect to IfcLabel
  • attributes ApprovalDateTime is_optional, Changed from False to True
  • attributes ApprovalDateTime name, Changed from ApprovalDateTime to Name
  • attributes ApprovalLevel definition, Changed from IfcLabel to IfcDateTime
  • attributes ApprovalLevel name, Changed from ApprovalLevel to TimeOfApproval
  • attributes ApprovalQualifier definition, Changed from IfcText to IfcLabel
  • attributes ApprovalQualifier name, Changed from ApprovalQualifier to Status
  • attributes Identifier definition, Changed from IfcIdentifier to IfcText
  • attributes Identifier is_optional, Changed from False to True
  • attributes Identifier name, Changed from Identifier to Qualifier
  • attributes Name is_optional, Changed from False to True
  • attributes Name name, Changed from Name to Level
  • inverses Actors definition, Changed from SET OF [0:?] IfcApprovalActorRelationship FOR Approval to SET OF [0:?] IfcExternalReferenceRelationship FOR RelatedResourceObjects
  • inverses Actors name, Changed from Actors to HasExternalReferences
  • inverses IsRelatedWith definition, Changed from SET OF [0:?] IfcApprovalRelationship FOR RelatedApproval to SET OF [0:?] IfcRelAssociatesApproval FOR RelatingApproval
  • inverses IsRelatedWith name, Changed from IsRelatedWith to ApprovedObjects