IFC (IFC4X3) final Earthworks Cuttings

Earthworks Cuttings represent a voiding of an existing or constructed Earthen element (referred to as the voided element) usually represented by a subtype of IfcGeotechnicalElement or an IfcEarthworksFill. The IfcEarthworksCut semantically represents the work of removing/excavating material from the voided element, and the associated geometrical representation is the resulting void created. A IfcEarthworksCut may optionally be filled (fully or partially) with another element such as a foundation, earthen fill or foundation utilising the IfcRelFillsElement relationship.

The resulting geometry of the relationship, when applied, is the result of CSG operations where the IfcEarthworksCut representation is subtracted from the voided element representation.

The following diagram shows the generic classes and relationships used when applying this concept. In addition, concepts may have particular importance to common or standardised industry practices and scenarios. For these specific usage scenarios, the tables below shows a recommended list of general usage patterns that users may adopt.

G IfcElement IfcElement GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] IfcRelVoidsElement IfcRelVoidsElement GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] RelatingBuildingElement [1:1] RelatedEarthworksCut RelatedOpeningElement [1:1] IfcElement:HasOpenings1->IfcRelVoidsElement:RelatingBuildingElement0 IfcEarthworksCut IfcEarthworksCut GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] VoidsElements [1:1] EarthworksCutType PredefinedType [0:1] IfcRelVoidsElement:RelatedOpeningElement1->IfcEarthworksCut:IfcEarthworksCut0 IfcRelFillsElement IfcRelFillsElement GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] RelatingOpeningElement [1:1] RelatedBuiltElement RelatedBuildingElement [1:1] IfcEarthworksCut:FillsVoids1->IfcRelFillsElement:RelatedBuildingElement0 IfcEarthworksCutTypeEnum IfcEarthworksCutTypeEnum IfcEarthworksCut:PredefinedType1->IfcEarthworksCutTypeEnum:IfcEarthworksCutTypeEnum0 IfcCourse IfcCourse GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] PredefinedType [0:1] IfcRelFillsElement:RelatedBuildingElement1->IfcCourse:IfcCourse0 IfcDeepFoundation IfcDeepFoundation GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] IfcRelFillsElement:RelatedBuildingElement1->IfcDeepFoundation:IfcDeepFoundation0 IfcEarthworksFill IfcEarthworksFill GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] PredefinedType [0:1] IfcRelFillsElement:RelatedBuildingElement1->IfcEarthworksFill:IfcEarthworksFill0 IfcFooting IfcFooting GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] PredefinedType [0:1] IfcRelFillsElement:RelatedBuildingElement1->IfcFooting:IfcFooting0 IfcPavement IfcPavement GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] PredefinedType [0:1] IfcRelFillsElement:RelatedBuildingElement1->IfcPavement:IfcPavement0 IfcSlab IfcSlab GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] PredefinedType [0:1] IfcRelFillsElement:RelatedBuildingElement1->IfcSlab:IfcSlab0

General Usage
