IFC (IFC4X3) final Sine Spiral Transition Segment

The sine spiral transition segment is a special case of a spiral where the curvature rate of change is a sine function and the terms are dependent on the length L measured from the inflection point. The parameter value is defined as the deflection i.e. bearing angle &Theta.

The values of its individual terms are identical and equal to the length of the segment L: SineTerm = L LinearTerm = L

The following diagram shows the generic classes and relationships used when applying this concept.

G IfcCurveSegment IfcCurveSegment LayerAssignment [0:1] StyledByItem [0:1] Transition [1:1] UsingCurves [1:?] Placement [1:1] SegmentStart [1:1] SegmentLength [1:1] ParentCurve [1:1] IfcSineSpiral IfcSineSpiral LayerAssignment [0:1] StyledByItem [0:1] Position [0:1] SineTerm [1:1] LinearTerm [0:1] ConstantTerm [0:1] IfcCurveSegment:ParentCurve1->IfcSineSpiral:IfcSineSpiral0 IfcParameterValue_0 IfcParameterValue IfcCurveSegment:SegmentStart1->IfcParameterValue_0:IfcParameterValue0 IfcParameterValue_1 IfcParameterValue IfcCurveSegment:SegmentLength1->IfcParameterValue_1:IfcParameterValue0 IfcLengthMeasure_0 IfcLengthMeasure IfcSineSpiral:SineTerm1->IfcLengthMeasure_0:IfcLengthMeasure0 IfcLengthMeasure_1 IfcLengthMeasure IfcSineSpiral:LinearTerm1->IfcLengthMeasure_1:IfcLengthMeasure0