Overview: Common Operations 常用操作

Most game object manipulations are done either through the game object's Transform and/or Rigidbody. These are accessible inside behaviour scripts through the member variables transform and rigidbody respectively. So if you wanted to rotate an object 5 degrees around its Y axis every frame you could write the following:

很多对游戏对象的操作都是通过修改游戏物体的 Transform (转换)和/或 Rigidbody (刚体).这通过修改脚本里的成员变量transform和rigidbody很容易去实现.如果你想要物体每帧在Y轴上旋转5度,你可以这样写:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
	void Update() {
		transform.Rotate(0, 5, 0);

function Update() {
	transform.Rotate(0, 5, 0);

If you want to move an object forward you would write this:


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
	void Update() {
		transform.Translate(0, 0, 2);
function Update() {
	transform.Translate(0, 0, 2);
最后修改:2010年11月30日 Tuesday 22:52

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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