Overview: Instantiate 实例

Instantiate duplicates an object. Including all attached scripts and the entire hierarchy. It keeps references in the way you expect it: References to objects outside the cloned hierarchy will be left untouched, References to objects in the cloned hierarchy will map to the cloned object.


Instantiate is incredibly fast and very versatile. It is essential to using Unity to its fullest.


For example here is a tiny script that when attached to a rigidbody with collider will destroy itself and instead spawn an explosion object


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
    public Transform explosion;
    void OnCollisionEnter() {
        Transform theClonedExplosion;
        theClonedExplosion = Instantiate(explosion, transform.position, transform.rotation);
var explosion : Transform ;

// When a collision happens destroy ourselves
// and spawn an explosion prefab instead

// 当一个碰撞发生自毁

// 和产生爆炸预制物代替
function OnCollisionEnter (){
    Destroy (gameObject);

    var theClonedExplosion : Transform ;
    theClonedExplosion = Instantiate(explosion,transform.position, transform.rotation);

Instantiate is usually used in conjunction with Prefabs .

实例化常和 Prefabs 一起使用.

最后修改:2010年11月30日 Tuesday 18:07

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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